
Tryndamere Wild Rift Counter: Champions & Tips

Tryndamere Wild Rift counter stats: All the Tryndamere info you could want with counter picks, general counters, item counter, lane synergy and more!

Champion counter

Discover all Top champions who counter Tryndamere.

Tryndamere is Weak Against

Tryndamere is Strong Against

Tryndamere is Weak Against

Tryndamere is Strong Against

Tryndamere is Weak Against

Tryndamere is Strong Against

Tryndamere is Weak Against

Tryndamere is Strong Against

Item counter

Items that counter Tryndamere

Armor items such as Thornmail and Randuin’s Omen do extremely well against Tryndamere .

General Counter Tips

Do not try to trade with him at lvl 1.

Take a cc holding toplaner, if he ults you can keep him busy.

Try to turn around when Tryndamere is casting his Mocking shout to save yourself from getting slowed.

Igniting him at the end of his ultimate duration will usually end up in a kill.

Champion Information

Tryndamere is a very niche pick and has a unique play style.

If you want to win a line and you don’t know how to do it, a main advantage over your opponent is to choose a champion to counter him.

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Role Counter Wild Rift


What will you get?

You will have at your disposal all the counters of all Wild Rift.

Guides on how to play against your enemy champion.

What are the best counters of the champion you are playing against.

Useful data to know when to hit each other.


Tryndamere Build Guide for Wild Rift

Author: iTzSTU4RT Build Tryndamere with confidence with the help of WildRiftFire’s build guides. Whether you are completely new to Tryndamere or looking to refine your playstyle, we will help you take your Wild Rift game to the next level. Learn Tryndamere’s abilities in detail, the best items to build, which skills to level first, and more. Tryndamere is ranked Tier C (Jungle) in our Champion Tier List


Tryndamere Jungle Baron LaneThe Barbarian King

Recommended Role Jungle

Jungle Build C Solo Build C

Tryndamere’s Item Build

Long Sword

Blade of the Ruined King

Phantom Dancer

Infinity Edge

Berserker's Greaves


Blade of the Ruined King

Phantom Dancer

Infinity Edge

Navori Quickblades

Lord Dominik's Regard

Berserker's Greaves


Tryndamere’s Spells & Runes



Lethal Tempo


Last Stand

Legend: Alacrity

Bone Plating

Tryndamere’s Skill Order

Battle Fury

Battle Fury (Passive)



Mocking Shout

Mocking Shout

Spinning Slash

Spinning Slash

Undying Rage

Undying Rage

Spinning Slash


Mocking Shout

Tryndamere’s Item Build

Long Sword

Blade of the Ruined King

Phantom Dancer

Infinity Edge

Berserker's Greaves


Blade of the Ruined King

Phantom Dancer

Infinity Edge

Navori Quickblades

Lord Dominik's Regard

Berserker's Greaves


Tryndamere’s Spells & Runes



Lethal Tempo


Last Stand

Legend: Alacrity

Second Wind

Tryndamere’s Skill Order

Battle Fury

Battle Fury (Passive)



Mocking Shout

Mocking Shout

Spinning Slash

Spinning Slash

Undying Rage

Undying Rage

Spinning Slash


Mocking Shout

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How to play Tryndamere

Tryndamere is a fighter jungler. Tryndamere can also be played in the top lane but in this guide we will focus on the jungle role. He is really weak in the early game, not having the best damage or mobility. When you farm the jungle and reach level 5 and get access to Undying Rage, this is when you can start to help your team. With your ultimate you are unable to die for a short period of time. This is great for ganking and tower diving. If Tryndamere doesn’t get behind in the early game and can survive to the late game, you can do great in team fights and split pushing.

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Tryndamere can also be played in the top lane, make sure to check the alternative build at the top of the page! The build is very similar to the jungle build as all the items work well with Tryndamere’s abilities. With Tryndamere top, you do well at split pushing meaning you want to try and push the minions in the top or bottom lane to try and get some towers and maybe even end the game!


League of Legends Wild Rift Tryndamere Build

League of Legends Wild Rift Tryndamere is a Skirmisher Champion commonly played in the Baron Lane . When playing this Fighter in the Solo Lane , we rank it as a A-Tier pick. Tryndamere will mostly do Physical Damage and can deal a lot of damage. Based on playstyle, we consider this champion Easy To Play .

LoL Wild Rift Tryndamere Stats

Stat Level 1 Level 15 Per Level
HP 650 2,400 125
Mana 0 0 57
Attack Damage 64 128 4.57
Ability Power 0 0 0
Armor 40 95 3.93
Magic Resistance 38 61 1.64
Attack Speed 0.8 1.01 0.02
HP Regen 8 19 0.79
Mana Regen 0 0 0
Movement Speed 470 470 0

LoL Wild Rift Tryndamere Runes

What runes should I use with Tryndamere in Wild Rift?

The Best Runes for Tryndamere in Wild Rift is the Conqueror Keystone, followed by the Hunter Vampirism , Adaptive Carapace , and Hunter Genius Minor Runes.

Baron Lane Tryndamere Runes Build (Top Lane)


LoL Wild Rift Tryndamere Item Builds

What items do I build on Tryndamere in Wild Rift?

The Best Items to build on Tryndamere in Wild Rift are bursty bruiser items, building to easily win exchanges against any opponent. The first item to build should be , and then second, you will want to complete your with a and to finish up your Core Item Build will be a .

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Baron Lane Tryndamere Item Build (Top Lane)

LoL Wild Rift Tryndamere Guide

What skills do I level up as Tryndamere in Wild Rift?

Level up Bloodlust at level 1, and then you will continue leveling Bloodlust until its maxed. After that, you can start leveling up Spinning Slash followed by Mocking Shout .

Tryndamere Abilities in Wild Rift

Tryndamere Battle Fury Ability LoL Wild Rift

Battle Fury Passive

Gains 0.16% Critical Strike Chance for each point of Fury, doubled at maximum Fury. Gains 5 Fury with every attack, 10 from critical strikes and 10 from kills. Loses 5 Fury per seconds after Tryndamere has been out of combat for 8 seconds.

Tryndamere Bloodlust Ability LoL Wild Rift

Bloodlust 1st Ability

Consumes all Fury to heal for 40 (40+ 30% of AP ) plus 0.5 (0.5+ 1.2% of AP ) per point of Fury consumed.

Tryndamere Mocking Shout Ability LoL Wild Rift

Mocking Shout 2nd Ability

Reduces nearby enemy champions’ Attack Damage by 25% for 2.5 seconds. If target is moving away from Tryndamere, slow them by 30%.

Tryndamere Spinning Slash Ability LoL Wild Rift

Spinning Slash 3rd Ability

Dashes, dealing (80+ 130% of bonus AD + 100% of AP ). Critical Strikes reduce the cooldown of Spinning Slash by 1 second, doubled against champions. Gains 2 Fury for each enemy hit.

Tryndamere Undying Rage Ability LoL Wild Rift

Undying Rage 4th Ability

What role do i play Tryndamere?

The most popular role to play Tryndamere is in the Baron Lane or Jungle , this is mostly due to the champion being a Fighter with Physical Damage.

How good is Tryndamere in Wild Rift?

Tryndamere is ranked A-Tier, which we consider a good pick for ranking up in ranked queue in the Baron Lane . If you want to learn about this champion’s weaknesses, you can view our Tryndamere Champion Counters guide.

LoL Wild Rift Tryndamere Skins

Demonblade Tryndamere Skin

King Tryndamere Skin

Click/Tap the icons below to view other Baron Lane Champions

Champions Similar To Tryndamere in Wild Rift

Last updated 2 years ago on July 28, 2021 by RankedBoost

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