
Jungle[13.11] Shaco Jungle | AD / AP Shaco Guide

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Choose Champion Build:

LoL Champion: Shaco

LoL Champion: Shaco

Runes: always do this

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+15-140 HP (lvls 1-18)


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite



Starting Items

Early back

Fullbuild example


Ability Order farming/carry

Backstab (PASSIVE)

Deceive (Q)

Jack In The Box (W)

Two-Shiv Poison (E)

Hallucinate (R)

Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies

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very hard to play against, shes super fast with a good clear, super good scaling and great itemization against you, very annoying.


pretty easy to 1v1 nowadays just care about lvl 2 invades and stuff like that, can fuck you over hard if she gets ahead


pretty hard to beat now cuz both of you have same clearspeed and his forms both fuck your ass, look to invade and deny him CS, get early objectives


really bad champ right now, you can just ignore him and do everything better than he does.


focus on invading her and getting your lanes ahead before she gets lvl 6 as her counterganks or ganks in general are pretty bad before 6.


very hard to play against, try to focus on objectives and ganks, he outscales you super hard and early on hes hard to deal with because of his E armor.




impossible to beat, dodge or play for ganks


you can run her down with AV early on and make her useless but if you dont she has a lot of choices in itemization to make you useless and her kit kinda fucks you over.


very bad champ just countergank and focus on ganking against her as she cant farm nor invade properly


very easy, he has a mediocre early clear and is super useless till he gets his first item, he cant gank properly either, just outfarm and invade him

Lee Sin

annoying early but champ is really useless, dodge his Q or block with box and u can kill him quite easily when u get ur 1st item, before if he has conqueror he will win 1v1 quite hard unless hes like half HP and you have ur ignite up.

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impossible to kill ever and he just super outscales you while having better objective control for the most part, recommended dodge/ban otherwise try to get ur laners ahead and invade him.


unplayable matchup as she always knows where you’re at, preferably go AP or bruiser into her, cant rly counter her hard in any way besides counterganking/outfarming her.


if he doesnt get kills early and snowballs hes kinda useless and he will never be able to kill you bcs of your Q, u can try killing him early on but use ignite when he uses his W so he cant heal off of that and conqueror to win the 1v1 at like 10% hp


Bruiser rengar is super impossible to deal with you cant actually deal damage to him and he will jsut fist you, try to invade him while hes clearing with ignite then maybe you can do something, otherwise very hard


horrible jungle champ now, has shit clear obvious ganks and slow objective control, just kill or countergank or even outscale him.

Nunu & Willump

nunu is literally just flipping a coin, if he has phase rush and ganks early game is over, if he doesnt have phase rush you can kill him quite easily pre 6 and dodge his stun from E or ult dmg with your ult, only good thing this champ does is that he has good objective control, like doing drake at spawn Just pray ur laners are human.


Ivern is really strong right now but is still mediocre pre lvl 6, only problem is that his clear is quite weird so u have to focus on perma tracking where hes at otherwise he just outganks/outscales/outfarms you.


ban or game is unplayable every playstyle no matter scoreline u just lose in everything just ban him


very strong duelist early on, match his clear and countergank if possible


zac is super broken right now but you can still easily destroy him early especially with his bad first clear, just try to invade and deny him his camps.


terrible clear, just outfarm/outgank and invade her


very uninteractive matchup, just try to take all his camps as he cant really do anything to you


try to outfarm him and if he tries to fight you kite into box with ignite, after he used W he cant really do anything to you, he also has a very hard time into AP. just super annoying to fight if he ever is even or ahead


Her E is invisible on you if you turn invis, so you can easily get some fat ults off


Can hook enemies into your boxes and make really important picks with that.


Can just sit afk on you in invis LOL, fair champ.


Really good duo champ, can set up insanely well.


Zilean can be really good for a suicide bomber playstyle, get a shit ton of MS before Q’ing in and then 1 shotting very easily and maybe getting revived trading 1 for 0 etc

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Her E is invisible on you if you turn invis, so you can easily get some fat ults off


Can hook enemies into your boxes and make really important picks with that.


Can just sit afk on you in invis LOL, fair champ.


Really good duo champ, can set up insanely well.


Zilean can be really good for a suicide bomber playstyle, get a shit ton of MS before Q’ing in and then 1 shotting very easily and maybe getting revived trading 1 for 0 etc

Runes: always

+8 ability haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+15-140 HP (lvls 1-18)


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite



Starting items

Early Items

Core items

Options after

Ability Order W max

Backstab (PASSIVE)

Deceive (Q)

Jack In The Box (W)

Two-Shiv Poison (E)

Hallucinate (R)

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Champion Build Guide

[13.11] Shaco Jungle | AD / AP Shaco Guide

First of all Shaco is one of the most skilled and one of the most fun Champs in the game if mastered.

Shaco can do a lot of outplays and can be built very differently like AP/AD and even Tank or Bruiser, he can do a lot that other champs can’t ever do and has a lot of possibilities to outplays your opponent with your Clone, your Boxes and your Q.

He’s very rewarding aswell, can counterjungle very easily, can solo objectives and has the potential to 1v9 games.


• Cheesy ganks
• Very fun and rewarding to learn
• Can Solo Nash if fed• Insanely strong outplay potential if mastered
• has very strong 1 shots on AD if fed
• AP is SUPER annoying to play against


• highest skillcap in the game in sense of understanding what you are supposed to do/unique theory behind the champ (how to use boxes, baiting angles etc, lots of your plays are min/maxing)
• Very reliable on Q backstab
• Armor counters this champ very hard
• Item reliant
• Useless if behind
• Invades pretty much destroy your early game
• Is a very 50/50 champion in SoloQ teamcomps, can absolutely destroy some teamcomps with literally 0 counterplay or can be utterly worthless even with 20 kills, understand when you should pick this champ otherwise you are griefing really hard
• Will teach you things that arent applicable on any other champions, makes for bad habits
(• Clone buggy)

Passive — Backstab

Shaco’s basic attacks deal an additional 20 — 35(Based on Level)(+25% bonus AD) bonus physical damage when striking an enemy from behind. This damage can critically strike.

Deceive and Two-Shiv Poison also have additional effects when striking an enemy from behind.

Q — Deceive

Target Range : 400
Cost : 60 Mana
Cooldown : 12/11.5/11/10.5/10

ACTIVE: After a 0.125-second delay, Shaco blinks to the target location, temporarily becoming invisible for 2.5/2.75/3/3.25/3.5 Seconds.

After exiting invisiblity, Shacos next basic attack within 0.25 seconds deals 25/35/45/55/65 (+50% bonus AD) bonus physical damage. This damage can critically strike.

Deceive’s invisibility is not removed when Shaco casts Hallucinate, while casting Jack in the Box causes Shaco to shimmer without removing it.

Backstab: Guarantees the basic attack to critcally strike for (130% +35%Infinity Edge) bonus physical damage.

BACKSTAB: Guarantees the basic attack to critcally strike for (30% +25% Infinity Edge) bonus physical damage.

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W — Jack in the Box

Target Range : 425
Cost : 50/55/60/65/70 Mana
Cooldown : 15
Detection Radius : 300

ACTIVE: Shaco summons a Jack in the Box at the target location, lasting for up to 40 (+10% AP) seconds. The Box arms after a 2 second delay, becoming stealthed and untargetable.

Triggering the box will cause nearby enemies to get feared for 0.5/0.75/1/1.25/1.5 seconds.

Once triggered, the box will also become targetable and start automatically firing at all nearby visible enmies, dealing 15/20/25/30/35 (+12% AP) Magic damage with each attack for 5 seconds. If the box only attacks 1 target, it deals increased damage.

The box deals 10/20/30/40/50 bonus magic damage to monsters.

E — Two-Shiv Poison

Target Range : 625
Cost : 50/55/60/65/70 Mana
Cooldown : 8

PASSIVE: Shaco’s basic attacks slow enemies for 2 seconds for 20/22.5/25/27.5/30% while Two-Shiv Poison is off cooldown.

ACTIVE: Shaco throws a dagger at the target enemy, slowing them for 3 seconds and dealing 70/95/120/145/170 (+75% bonus AD) (+60% AP) magic damage, increased by 50% against targets below 30% of their maximum health.

BACKSTAB: Deals an additional 15-50(based on level) (+10%) bonus magic damage, increased to 22.5-75(Based on level) (+15% AP) when the target is below 30% of their maximum health.

R — Hallucinate

Effect Radius : 250
Tether Radius : 1125
Cost : 100 Mana
Cooldown : 100/90/80

First Cast: Shaco vanishes for 0.5 seconds and then blinks in the target direction while creating a Hallucination of himself that blinks in the opposite direction, remaining within tether range of him as a controllable pet for up to 18 seconds.

Second Cast: While the Hallucination is active, Hallucinate can be used to move it to the target location.

When the Hallucination dies or expires, it explodes, dealing 150/225/300 (+70% AP) magic damage to enemy units around it and leaving three mini-boxes behind which activate instantly, fearing nearby enemies for 1 second.

The three boxes possess Jack in the Box’s effects, except they have doubled, but shared health, and deal 10/20/30 (+10% AP) magic damage with each attack, increased if attack only a single target.

set 2 boxes on raptors, 1 on krugs, then auto the big raptor once and smite it and then kill krugs > red > wolves > gromp > blue, this makes ur fullclear really good and you can repeat fullclear very easily, this also gives you a lot more possibilities in game compared to normal fullcear cuz of timers.

— Use your Boxes to block skillshots
— Abuse the Slow of your AA’s from your E and wait until the enemy is below 30% HP to use your E for the bonus Damage
— You can use your Ultimate to jump over small walls
These are some places where ulting over the wall could safe your life
— Try to use your ignite early on so the target gets reduced healing
— Try to use your passive as often as possible
— Try to use your Ult to dodge spells and use it early in fights for more damage
— Clone procs effects like Duskblade, Sheen and Hextech alternator so think about that
— Abuse the Blink of your Q to go over Walls! (Click on the white dot)

— use backport or any active item to stop your Q invis and get CD back faster, e.g. spam Q whip when walking from base to your jungle


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