Помидор tomato pink girl

What Kind Of Tomato Is A Pink Girl?

hybrid tomato.
Pink Girl is a large, juicy hybrid tomato that weighs up to one-half pound. The fruit is pearly pink with mild flavor and good resistance to cracking. Vigorous plants bear throughout the summer, and need to be staked or caged.

What are pink girl tomatoes good for?

‘Pink Girl’ is ideally sized for slicing, great tasting, incredibly prolific and displays good disease resistance. The juicy pink fruits are low in acid with a mild, sweet flavor. Vigorous plants require staking or caging due to plant size and the large number of tomatoes hanging off the vines .

Are pink Girl tomatoes determinate or indeterminate?

‘Pink Girl’ is a mid-season hybrid that produces large quantities of pink colored, medium to large, juicy fruit right up to frost. The taste is mild and delicate. Plants are indeterminate and require staking for best growth and production.

What type of tomato is pink?

Heirloom. This popular beefsteak-sized, Amish tomato produces rosy pink fruits loaded with an old-fashioned tomato taste that has been prized for decades.

Are pink Girl tomatoes heirloom?

Tomato ‘Pink Lady’ Seeds (Certified Organic) | Garden Hoard – Certified Organic Heirloom Seeds – Grown in Michigan by Renegade Acres.

What are the healthiest tomatoes to eat?

1) Heirloom Tomatoes: “Heirloom tomatoes are typically the healthiest, because they’re not genetically modified and tend to retain the highest level of antioxidants of all the tomato varieties,” Hunnes says.

What happens if you eat tomatoes everyday?

Consumption of tomatoes will provide anti-inflammatory properties and thus, can be really beneficial for overall heart and brain health. Tomato is a good source of potassium and is linked with lowering the elevated blood pressure in the body. Thus, preventing cardiovascular diseases.

How tall do Pink Girl tomato plants get?

6 to 8 feet tall
It grows 6 to 8 feet tall and matures in 76 days. Adding a tomato cage helps support fruit-heavy plants, which are resistant to fusarium wilt (F), verticillium wilt (V), alternaria stem canker (ASC), and gray leaf spot (St).

Should you prune Early Girl tomatoes?

Pruning Early Girl Tomatoes
Pruning encourages healthy growth, stimulates fruit production, and prevents disease and rot. Trim away the bottom branches 6 to 8 inches up the plant to promote airflow and to prevent disease. Remove suckers to help the plant focus energy on the main branch and its fruit.

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How do I know if I have a determinate or indeterminate tomato?

Check the leaves of our plant.
Determinate tomatoes commonly have leaves that are closer together on the stem, making them look bushier. Indeterminate varieties have leaves that are spaced out more and look more like vines.

What is the sweetest tasting tomato?

1. ‘Golden Sweet‘: Touted as the sweetest and best-tasting yellow grape tomato, the indeterminate vines produce lots of glossy gold fruits that are crack-resistant, firm and meaty.

Is pink girl tomato a hybrid?

Pink Girl is a large, juicy hybrid tomato that weighs up to one-half pound. The fruit is pearly pink with mild flavor and good resistance to cracking. Vigorous plants bear throughout the summer, and need to be staked or caged.

What type of tomato is the tastiest?

The Brandywine is perhaps most commonly named as the best-tasting tomato variety. It has the perfect balance of sugar and acidity, with that superb old-fashioned tomato taste. Growing conditions can affect the flavor quality more than some other varieties on this list.

What is the best heirloom tomato variety?

Some of the Best Heirloom Tomatoes

  • Cherokee Purple. This heirloom tomato is a whirlwind of colors, with a dark purple-black skin, red-green-purple outer flesh with a darker red interior flesh.
  • Black Cherry.
  • Brandywine.
  • Hawaiian Pineapple.
  • Green Giant, Green Zebra and Cherokee Green.
  • Not Heirloom, but Worth Mentioning.

What are the sweetest tomatoes you can buy?

Sweetest Tomato Varieties (Hybrid / Heirloom)

  1. Tomato Rosada. One of my favorite sweet tomato varieties is Rosada with a Brix rating of 10.5.
  2. Tomato Apero. Apero is one of the finest-tasting cherry tomatoes.
  3. Floridity.
  4. Sungold.
  5. Tomato Sakura.
  6. Mortgage Lifter Tomato.
  7. Black Cherry Tomato.
  8. Sweet 100 Tomato.

How can you tell if a tomato is heirloom?

Heirlooms usually haven’t been hybridized for qualities that include shelf life, color and uniform appearance. They are often “ugly” with deep cracks and bumps. The colors are variegated and range from deep browns and purples to light yellows, pinks and everything in between.

Do tomatoes clean your blood?

Tomatoes contain a great deal of Vitamin A and Vitamin C. This is primarily because these vitamins and beta-carotene work as antioxidants to neutralize harmful free radicals in the blood.

Which is healthier potatoes or tomatoes?

Potatoes contain drastically more vitamins, especially the B group, while tomatoes are rich in vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin K which potatoes lack. Tomatoes contain fewer calories and carbohydrates. On the other hand, potatoes are rich in micronutrients such as calcium and potassium.

Which tomato is best to eat raw?

Purple and Black Tomatoes
These tomatoes are best eaten raw, so slice a few up for BLTs or try them in salads.

Who should avoid tomatoes?

Eating too many tomatoes can cause heart burn or acid reflux due to the production of excess gastric acid in the stomach. People who frequently suffer from digestive stress or have symptoms of GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) may want to go easy on tomatoes. 2.

How many tomatoes a day is OK?

There is no recommended number of tomatoes to eat per day. Just remember to include a variety of fruits and vegetables in your diet instead of relying on just one option like tomatoes.

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Brighten up your garden with Pink Girl. This tomato has a beautiful pinkish red color with low cracking potential. Pink Girl reaches relative maturity within about 76 days, so you can enjoy this mild tomato not long after planting.



Disease Resistance


HR = High Resistance. IR = Intermediate Resistance. To find out more about disease resistance and the applicable levels of disease resistance, click here.

Performance may vary from location to location and from year to year, as local growing, soil and weather conditions may vary. Growers should evaluate data from multiple locations and years whenever possible and should consider the impacts of these conditions on the grower’s fields. Any recommendations provided on this webpage are based upon field observations and feedback received from a limited number of trials and geographies. These recommendations should be considered as one reference point and should not be substituted for the professional opinion of agronomists, entomologists or other relevant experts evaluating specific conditions. Seminis® is a registered trademark of Bayer Group. All other trademarks displayed on this site are either registered or unregistered trademarks of Bayer Group, one of its related affiliates or others and used by permission. © 2004 – 2023 Bayer Group. All rights reserved.


Помидор tomato pink girl

Verticillium Wilt

Verticillium Wilt

Verticillium dahliae and Verticillium albo-atrum

Verticillium Wilt is a common fungal disease of tomato and squash family crops. It prefers warm (not hot) and wet conditions. The fungus enters the plant through natural openings and wounds in the roots and grows up into the stem, where it blocks the supply of nutrients and water to the leaves. This causes the tops to wilt in sunny afternoons, though they recover when it cools down (this often starts to happen when plants begin bearing fruit). Only a part of the plant is infected initially, but it eventually spreads through the whole plant. The lower leaves usually turn yellow, die and drop. The stem often becomes discolored as with Fusarium Wilt, but this is usually a lighter color. Tomatoes don’t necessarily die from Verticillium Wilt, but it slows their growth and reduces yields. Peppers are commonly killed though. With potatoes the tops die off prematurely (it’s also known as early dying fungus), so the crop of tubers is reduced (these often show some discoloration and don’t store well).

If this disease is a persistent problem the easiest way to deal with it is to plant resistant varieties. Many modern tomato (and some potato) varieties are very resistant. Unfortunately many of the more interesting older heirlooms aren’t resistant. To minimize the effects of the disease you should keep the plants well fed and watered. Also keep the soil cool with mulch, as it prefers warm conditions. If any plants start to show symptoms of partial wilting, remove them immediately to reduce the spread of this disease. The spores overwinter on crop debris, so keep the beds clear. The spores can survive in the soil for up to 7 years.

Image: Howard F. Schwartz, Colorado State University, Bugwood.org

Tricia shows you how to plant and grow tomatoes organically! Grow tomatoes in containers or in the garden.

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Tricia shows you how to prune your tomatoes and diagnose several common tomato problems.

Tricia shows you how to build a variety of quick and easy vegetable trellises. Garden vertically this year, trellis tomatoes, cucumbers, melons, beans, and peas.

Tomato hornworms can quickly defoliate a tomato plant, learn how to get them before they get your tomatoes.

Last Frost Date (LFD) refers to the approximate date of the last killing frost of spring. Example first frost date on April 08.

First Frost Date (FFD) refers to the approximate date of the first killing frost of winter. Example first frost date on November 01.

Copyright © 2023 Green Living Solution, Inc. Smart Gardener ® is a registered trademark of Green Living Solution, Inc. All rights reserved.


Помидор tomato pink girl

Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus (TSWV)

Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus (TSWV)

This virus is unusual in that it can infect a very wide range of plants, including not just tomatoes, but also eggplant, peppers, potato, celery, lettuce, onion, peanut and many legumes. It also affects many common weeds (including a who’s who of most common garden weeds) and ornamentals, which can complicate controlling it.

Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus (or TSWV) is also unusual in that is one of few viruses that is mostly spread by thrips. The larvae acquire the disease by feeding on infected plants (often weeds) and spread it to other plants when they mature into flying adults.

This virus is mainly a problem for areas with lots of thrips and warm weather. Symptoms of infection include wilting, dieback of growing tips, bronzing of leaves (which eventually develop necrotic spots), stunting, deformed fruit and reduced yields. In extreme cases so many leaves die that the plant is killed.

TSWV is not easy to control as there are so many potential hosts to provide a source of infection and controlling the vector (thrips) is difficult (kill the ones on your plants and others will come in from elsewhere). If you can recognize the symptoms you can remove infected plants promptly and reduce sources of infection. Row covers can help prevent thrips reaching your plants. You can also rotate crops, remove weeds and avoid planting infected plants. Some cultivars are resistant.

Image: David B. Langston, University of Georgia, Bugwood.org

Tricia shows you how to plant and grow tomatoes organically! Grow tomatoes in containers or in the garden.

Tricia shows you how to prune your tomatoes and diagnose several common tomato problems.

Tricia shows you how to build a variety of quick and easy vegetable trellises. Garden vertically this year, trellis tomatoes, cucumbers, melons, beans, and peas.

Tomato hornworms can quickly defoliate a tomato plant, learn how to get them before they get your tomatoes.

Last Frost Date (LFD) refers to the approximate date of the last killing frost of spring. Example first frost date on April 08.

First Frost Date (FFD) refers to the approximate date of the first killing frost of winter. Example first frost date on November 01.

Copyright © 2023 Green Living Solution, Inc. Smart Gardener ® is a registered trademark of Green Living Solution, Inc. All rights reserved.


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