
Mera Mera no Mi (Flame)

The Mera-Mera no Mi, otherwise known as the Flame-Flame Fruit, is a Logia type Devil Fruit that can turn the user’s body into fire. In the anime/manga, the current One Piece user of this fruit is «Flame Emperor» Sabo. The Mera-Mera no Mi can be obtained through finding it under trees/plants, buying it from the Black Market, or from Gacha. It costs $2,300,000 and 3 Gems.

Summary [ ]

The Flame-Flame Fruit is a good fruit all around. Its biggest weakness is that the attacks move too slowly to hit any player, though this isn’t a problem when fighting NPCs. Due to the fact that it costs gems, something that low level players can’t easily obtain, it’s not a good beginners fruit. Codes will eventually expire, so for future players, meaning that this fruit is unattainable until later game. One of the abilities this fruit has is flight, which works as a means of escape, though you should be careful when low on HP since flight will decrease in speed depending on the player’s health. Another ability is lighting enemies on fire, which chips away at health. It is a Logia, so enemies or players without Haki cannot damage you.

Moves (Dev. 4250) [ ]

Z: Flame Fist (0)- [ ]

The player lifts their right arm and left leg, and throws a ball of fire at the direction of the cursor. The ball of fire explodes immediately. The attack can be held to keep the player afloat/suspended in the air. The fireball has medium distance, making it a close range attack. Will light enemy on fire. The fireball deals 6,699 damage, burn does 1,116 damage, ticks 5 times dealing 12,279 damage in total. refresh is 6 seconds.

X: Inferno Pillar (50)- [ ]

Pillar is an AoE attack that will damage anyone near the attack. The player puts both arms behind their back together and then slams the ground, creating a large fire tube that surrounds the player’s avatar. This pillar of fire looks like a lava pillar, with flame spikes coming out of it and fire engulfing the ground. The attack can be held and will keep the player afloat for 2 seconds after the move is thrown. Will light enemy on fire. It deals 8,037 damage, with a refresh of 8-9 seconds. burn does 1339 damage, ticks 7 times dealing 17,410 damage in total. refresh is 9 seconds.

C: Firefly (150)- [ ]

This move is very similar to what Ace uses in the anime, the user gets on their two feet and assumes the stance of a cowboy before blasting fireballs from each hand like a gun. The fireballs are much slower than the Fist attack, and the user shoots them from their hands. They balls are colored green, yellow and orange. Like all the previous attacks, this one can be held and will keep the user afloat for the duration of the attack, which is 3 seconds. The fireballs have a fairly long distance, but they still move too slow to hit any moving player. Hitting the target will light them on fire. The user shoots 10 fireballs, each doing 1,019 damage. burn damage is 169, ticks 3 times per fireball dealing 15,260 damage in total. Unfortunately, despite the damage, this attack isn’t good for PVP against moving players. The refresh is 7 seconds.

Читайте также:  Адреса_питомников_фруктовых_деревьев

V: Flame Emperor (300)- [ ]

Other Logia fruits have attacks similar to this. The user will put both of their hand up and throw a ball of fire. This ball is relatively large and has good speed, anything inside the ball will be damaged. Like every attack from this fruit, it can be held and charged. Upon hitting the ground, rocks will smash up. Please note that this attack will have a delay since the ball of fire takes a second to manifest before being thrown. The attack has knock back and lights enemies on fire. It deals 7,810 damage the burn deals 1,301 damage per tick, does 7 ticks dealing 16,917 damage in total. refresh is 15 seconds.

E: Flame flight (100) [ ]

Your feet turn into flame, allowing flight. The move has a cool down of 6-7 seconds. It’s fast and it leave wind particle while flying.

Pros and Cons [ ]

Pros [ ]

  • Good for farming due to its big AoE
  • V move has good AoE damage and hitbox
  • It has a fast flight move, allowing it to traverse between islands easier
  • Very high burn damage

Cons [ ]

  • It has a slow attack speed, letting enemies easily dodge
  • Flame pillar covers little horizontal range

Trivia [ ]

The Mera-Mera No Mi was originally a fruit used by *Portgas D’ Ace*. Current user is a character named Sabo.

The fruit is originally from the popular anime «One Piece»

-When using Flame Emperor, you can use the Triple Katana’s X Move to stun.

-First, use V. When it is coming down, use Inferno Pillar, then Firefly and Flame Fist.

Note: This combo doesn’t work if you don’t have perfect timing and aim.


Какой лучший фрукт King Legacy

Если вы игрок, который обычно обращается к платформе Roblox и вы играете в King Legacy, в какой-то момент вы, возможно, задавались вопросом какой лучший фрукт Наследие короля. И правда в том, что для многих этот вопрос не так легко ответить.

Читайте также:  Авокадо_самый_калорийный_фрукт

Поскольку, будучи игрой Roblox который в основном фокусируется на всех аспектах One Piece. Многие предметы, аксессуары, фрукты и другие детали связаны именно с ним. И правда в том, что в One Piece огромное разнообразие фруктов. Но не волнуйтесь, здесь мы можем ответить на ваши вопросы. Просто продолжайте читать!

ОБНАРУЖИТЬ: Все Коды наследия короля обновлено или нажать на кнопку.


Какой лучший фрукт King Legacy

Какой лучший фрукт King Legacy?

Хотя это правда, что в King Legacy у вас есть доступ к широкому разнообразию уникальных способностей, когда вы используете фрукты дьявола, каждая способность, которую вы получаете через него, будет разблокирована на определенных уровнях. Так что это один из самых важных аспектов определения того, насколько мощным может стать ваш персонаж.

Таким образом, наличие лучших фруктов King Legacy имеет большое значение в игре. Так как, таким образом, вы можете соревноваться с лучшими игроками в игре, не говоря уже о том, что вы можете столкнуться с могущественными врагами с меньшими трудностями.

В настоящее время самым сильным или самым сильным дьявольским плодом во всем King Legacy является дракон. Это фрукт типа Зоан и редкость в легендарном стиле.

О King Legacy Fruits

Вам может быть интересно, как мы встретили лучшие фрукты в игре? Правда в том, что есть много факторов, влияющих на получение этого признания. Первое, что вы должны знать, это то, что все дьявольские плоды в игре делятся на три типа:

  1. Paramencio: Это общие фрукты, которые могут предоставить пользователю любые типы способностей или увеличения.
  2. Логия: это те, которые могут настроить вашего персонажа в соответствии с элементом, что делает его полностью невосприимчивым к обычным атакам. Которые не усилены Хаки.
  3. Зоан: это плоды, связанные с существом или зверем, короче говоря, ваш персонаж может стать ими.

Примечание: Принимая во внимание эти параметры, лучшим фруктом King Legacy является Дракон, так как это тип Зоана с Легендарной редкостью.

Мы рекомендуем


Ryu Ryu No Mi (Brachiosaurus)

The Brachio fruit is a Zoan-type Devil Fruit possessed by Queen the Plague in the anime, an All Star of the Beasts Pirates, and one of Kaido’s three closest Officers, the Disasters. Currently, he serves as the de-facto ruler of Udon, a region in Wano Country. Due to his actions and role, he is a major antagonist in the Wano Country Arc.

Brachio is one of the three ancient Zoan fruits in King Piece. It costs $3,000,000 and 5 Gem on the Black Market. It gives a health boost equivalent to Dragon, but it makes you larger and slower. You can regenerate with this fruit, however it is useless since you are very slow. The fruit’s moves have great AoE and dmg and is overall a fun fruit. The color of your dino will be random and can be changed at Nishi. Your color can glow with this fruit!

Читайте также:  Варенье_на_фруктозе_сварить

Summary [ ]

This fruit is really good due to the fact that in raids, only snipers can hit you since you’re so high up. No other NPC can hit you, making it overpowered. (This has been fixed. Now any npc can hit you)

Brachio is one of the most suitable Devil Fruits for the Golden Arena (raids). With strategies, it’s easy to line up NPCs and attack by applying hits to each one. An indication from me: using the fruit with Kenbunshoku Haki becomes effective, mainly against the Golden Arena boss.

Moves (Dev. 5000) [ ]

Screenshot 2021-04-06 205916

Z: Transform (0) — The user transforms into a Brachiosaurus (74,450 HP at max defense).

X: Heavy Smack (100) — The user lifts their two front legs and smashes them to the ground, doing 9,301 damage.

C: Line Smack (500) — The user lifts their front legs and smashes them forward, making an air shock wave going in a straight line, doing 9,975 damage.

V: Divine Beam (1,000) — The user charges up a light beam and then shoots it, 17,000 damage with 2 hits (this move has a short to mid range).


Goru Goru No mi (Gold)

The Goru Goru No Mi is a decent fruit due to it’s auto aim skill (Golden City) and high damage. It has decent mobility choices and also a great fruit for grinding potential. It requires a bit of aim to use, but is great in stuns, heavy attacks and etc.


Brilliant Shot 0 Mastery
E21 The user summons a coin on their hand that is later punched with great power exploding it, causing a projectile. This move requires a bit of aim. The refresh is 3 seconds

Pros and Cons: [ ]

  1. All skills deal great damage.
  2. Great stuns.
  3. Z skill has a fast cooldown.
  4. B skill has a auto-aim feature which automatically fires at the enemy if they are inside the zone.
  5. C skill has great AoE and deals good damage and has abit low cooldown
  1. Does Not break Kenbunshoku Haki Easily.
  2. Requires a bit of aim.
  3. B skill has a very long cooldown so use it wisely on PvP.
  4. X skill is extremely hard to use on Aerial PvP.
  5. V skill has a small hitbox and bad range.
  6. Has no movement ability.

Combos [ ]

Z Gold, X Gold, V Gold, B Gold, and C Gold

Chains of fate are most combo starters for gold so I recommend having that there. eggs bennedict#2344 (OG creator)

Combo: V (Chains Of Fate) — C (Golden Roar) — X (One-Million Punch) — Z (Brilliant Shot) — E (Golden City)

2nd Combo: E (Golden City) — V (Chains Of Fate) — Z (Brilliant Shot) — X (One-Million Punch) — C (Golden Roar) [ ]

— (ATK V2) Z Skill (Various Thrashes) — (Gold) X Skill (One-Million Punch) — (Gold) C Skill (Golden Roar) — (Gold) V Skill (Chains of Fate) — Z Skill (Brilliant Shot) (Optional)

(2nd and 3rd combo (with sword) made by Fruit Navigation [ ]


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