
Fruit Spawn Locations

Devil fruits will spawn every 1-2 hours under or on a tree in a random location in the map. When a devil fruit first spawns, the fruit will stay for 15 minutes before de-spawning. On top of this, even if you pick up a fruit before the de-spawn time it will leave your inventory after the 10 minutes are up. This basically means you have to find the fruit and eat it as soon as you pick it up otherwise it’ll disappear. Assuming you’re not near the target island, the fastest way to get to the fruit would be using the Pika-Pika No Mi’s and Uo Uo No Mi’s incredible flight speed or with the Coffin Boat. There is only one way to know when and where a fruit has spawned, and that’s with Fruit Position. Currently there is no known pattern to where a fruit will spawn next, and not only that but what the fruit will actually be is also impossible to predict. Due to all these reasons, finding a devil fruit is not only very difficult but also impractical making this the worst way to obtain devil fruits.

Fruit position [ ]

Holding devil fruit with locator

The easiest way to locate devil fruits when they spawn is with the game pass Fruit Position. With this, it’ll notify you when a devil fruit spawns. A message will pop up on your screen with a sound effect that says a devil fruit has spawned, and shortly after a trail of blue arrows will lead you to its direction. Fruit position will still be active constantly and can’t be turned on or off. An important thing to keep in mind is that Fruit position will not tell you where the arrows will lead to, the arrows are pin pointed on the Devil Fruit, not the tree where it spawned or the island. This means that while the arrows will lead to the fruit, you yourself will have to figure out which island it’s actually pointing to.


Inu Inu No Mi (Wolf)

The Ino-Ino No Mi translates to the Wolf-Wolf Fruit. The wolf fruit is a Zoan type fruit that gives the user the ability to transform into a wolf. In the anime, the user is Jabra, a former member of CP9. In game the fruit can be obtained through finding it, buying through the Black Market, and from Gacha. It costs $700,000 and 1 gem.

Summary [ ]

The Wolf-Wolf Fruit is a bad fruit. The attacks are all close range, and deals far too little damage. It’s not usable for PvP and for grinding, even for starters this fruit is not a good choice. Overall this fruit is not recommended. for beginners, Spike is the best common choice.

Moves (Dev. 4250) [ ]

Z: Transform (15) [ ]

Like most Zoan fruits, the user has to transform into wolf form before being able to attack. The base swing relies on the melee stat. Movement like jumping and using Soru all remains the same.

Wolf transformation

X: Claw (50) [ ]

The user puts their left arm up and swings down with a claw. This slash is close range and leaves a white pattern showing the attack. It can be held to keep the user suspended. It deals 6,376 damage with a refresh of 5 seconds.

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Wolf claw

C: Tackle (80) [ ]

This attack is the same as the Leopard Fruits tackle, the user sticks their arm out and dashes forward hitting anything in its way. The dash is instant, and leaves a sonic wave effect behind the user. It can be held to keep the user suspended like the last attack. It deals 5,313 damage and has a refresh of 8 seconds.

V: Roar (210) [ ]

Also like the Leopard fruit the user lets out a roar that damages anyone close to it. The roar has a purple lighting effect and the ground shakes. The attack can be held to keep the user suspended. The roar hits 10 times, each hit doing 1,062 damage in total dealing 10,620. The refresh is 9 seconds.

Fun Fact [ ]


Suna Suna No Mi (Sand)

The Suna-Suna no Mi translates to the Sand-Sand Fruit which is a Logia type Devil Fruit that makes the user’s body made of sand. In the anime this fruit is used by the infamous Crocodile. In game this fruit can be obtained by finding it, buying it from the Black Market, or from Gacha. It costs $1,500,000.

Summary [ ]

The Sand-Sand Fruit is a good fruit for beginners. It’s affordable, has good refreshes, and does enough damage defeat bosses with relative ease. Its flight is also faster than normal making it a good method of travel. Overall, this fruit is good for grinding up until the higher levels where more powerful fruits are easily accessible.

Moves (Dev. 5000) [ ]

Z: Sand Bullet (0)- [ ]

When first activated the player puts their arm out in the direction of the cursor and fires out a ball of sand.This ball of sand travels at a slow speed and has sand spikes coming from it as it goes through the air. This move can be held to keep the user afloat/suspended in the air. It’s a fast attack with a low refresh. It deals 9,265 damage and has a refresh of 5 seconds.

X: Sand Spike (25)- [ ]

The user kicks the ground which summons 6 large spikes in front of the user. Each spike is pointy and gets bigger each spike. The spikes spawn in front of each other and will hit damage anything that touches it. The user has to be on the ground for the attack to work, if it’s thrown in the air nothing will happen. Each individual spike does 6,502 damage, with a refresh of 7 seconds. The damage may not seem like a lot but if aimed correctly more than one spike will hit an enemy, multiplying the damage.

C: Quicksand (50)- [ ]

The player will put their foot up and then kick the ground, which generates sand under the user’s foot in a circle that damage anyone or anything on it. Like all other attacks from this fruit, it can be held to keep the user suspended in the air. Oddly enough this will work while not touching the ground albeit it’ll lose any accuracy. It hits 25 times, each doing 377 damage in total dealing 9,425 damage. The speed of this attack is very fast, so it will almost seem instant. The cooldown is 8 seconds.

V: Sandstorm (500)- [ ]

The user summons a little tornado on the top of the players head and throws it where the cursor was pointing. As the tornado moves closer to its target it gets larger until it becomes a large tornado made of sand. This tornado sucks enemies in and has a good range for how far it can be thrown. The tornado hits 3 times, each hit dealing 5,015 damage in total doing 15,045 damage. It deals the exact same amount of damage as the last attack Floor. The refresh is 15 seconds, the move has an mid to high range and its MUCH faster than the bullet meaning with enough aim u can use it well for aerial combat.

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E: Sand fly (100)- [ ]

The user turns into a cloud of sand and flies towards the cursor. The speed of this flight is pretty bad as its extremely slow and a better option is running. The refresh of this flight is 5-6 seconds.


Nikyu Nikyu no Mi (Paw)

The Nikyu-Nikyu no Mi translates to the Paw-Paw Fruit. It’s an Uncommon Paramecia type fruit that gives the user paws on their hand. These paws can repel any physical force. In the anime, this fruit is used by Bartholomew Kuma, an ex-Warlord of the sea and slave to the Celestial Dragons. In game, the fruit can be obtained by finding it, buying it from the Black Market for $600,000 and 1 gem, or from Gacha. It is a good uncommon fruit

Summary [ ]

The Paw-Paw fruit is a good fruit for beginners. It deals decent damage, has a useful ability for running away from high level players, has low cool down times, and has a low price. This move also has amazing range and damage but it requires good aims and it has amazing potential for combos if all the moves hit at 5k fruit stat it does a whopping 52k damage which is enough to kill a max defense stat player.

Moves (Dev. 5000) [ ]

Z: Shot (0)- [ ]

The user lifts their right arm and throws a projectile. This projectile is a glowing paw that travels very fast. The paw is small and when it hits an enemy or a surface, it explodes. This move can be held. The speed is decent. The paw deals 5,025 damage and has a refresh of 4 seconds, it has a high range however it isnt extremely fast so its easily dodgeable from a far range and it has decent area damage as well.

X: Paw Barrage (50)- [ ]

The user rapidly release 8 paws from both hands . These paws are identical to the ones from the first attack, only they each deal less damage per hit. This move can be held like every other attack to keep the user suspended. The user fires 8 paws, each paw dealing 2,025 damage, dealing a total of 16,200 damage. The refresh is 6 seconds.

C: Red Paw (100)- [ ]

The user fires in total of 14 paws, each dealing 1502 damage ; in total dealing 21,028 damage. It’s a held attack and has a refresh of 7 seconds. This move has a mid to high range and its amazing as its one of the few barrage moves that can be held mid air and it does a VERY high damage and also enemys cant teleport out of it as it stuns the enemy throughout the whole barrage and you can also aim the direction of the barrage mid attack making this the best move in paws whole moveset, this move can also break observation haki.

V: Paw Explosion (150)- [ ]

The player charges a massive paw and release it. This move can be held. The paw deals 10,025 damage to anyone inside, and has a refresh of 10 seconds. This move also has a low to mid range.


Ito Ito no Mi (String)

New Model

The Ito-Ito no Mi translates to the pasta — pasta Fruit. The String Fruit is a Paramecia type fruit that grants the user the ability to create and manipulate strings, making them a string human. In the anime the user of this fruit is Doflamingo, an EX-Warlord of the Sea. In game this fruit can be obtained through the Black Market, Gacha or finding it. It costs 2,400,000 Beli and 3 gems. This fruit is rarely in stock. NPC: Captain String, Raid Boss.

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The String fruit is versatile fruit with excellent movement capability, high damage, and attacks for both close and long range. Despite the longer cool-downs the string fruit works well for grinding, and due to it’s high amount of hits and damage it can also destroy a persons Kenbunshoku Haki. The movement with this fruit is by far the best in the game, not the fastest method of travel but the best in terms of versatility. The user can swing themselves in any which way, be it for traveling from island to island or for pvp. The level of movement is far superior to flight. The damage becomes brutal when taking into account the Twin move. which doubles the amount of damage and hits. While its long range C attack does require proper aim it deals a good amount of damage to make up for it. Overall, this fruit is a great pick.

The new revamp nerfed String Path movement speed is no longer fast enough to travel islands. (Not tested)

Moveset (Dev. 5000) [ ]

The player creates rainbow strings which will rise upwards dealing 8,765 damage, it has a 5 second cooldown.

Shoots out a bullet made of string that has a mid to far range and does decent damage, it does a total of 7,550 damage and has cooldown of 7-8 seconds

The user uses 2 whips to hit the enemy 18 times each hit does 430 damage and along with it theres 36 ticks of burn damage (each tick does 71 and each whip hit does 2 ticks of burn damage) to do a total of 10296 damage, the cooldown is 8-9 seconds. The move has mid to low range and its one of the only barrage moves that stops the user in mid air which makes it decent for aerial combat.

A web of strings comes down from the air and encases the location chosen by the user it then collapses on itself , the enemy can teleport out of it if they have the move, however if it hits the enemy it does 10,015 damage, its a mid to high range.

Strings are pulled from the left and right hand that swing the player forward. These strings have no limit to where they can be summoned. Unlike flight the string needs to be pulled over and over again, the player has to spam E in order to continuously swing. The cool down is very short, only being 1 second which allows for the player to swing over and over again, so traveling from island to island is definitely possible. For mobile players this may swing you up in the sky instead of going forward. The speed and distance of the swing is good, and the versatility with this move makes this one of the best ways to travel in the game. With that being said it can be dangerous when traveling over water since a slip up can cause the player to fall in the water. Also, this will not increase the elevation of the player, it simply swing them forward leaving them on the same level as they started. The strings power gets weaker the lower the players hp is, making it impossible to run away when low on hp. There is a limit of swings a player can make ( they recharge overtime, with a cooldown of 6 seconds for ALL of them to recharge)


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