
Fizz Build Guide for Wild Rift

Author: iTzSTU4RT Build Fizz with confidence with the help of WildRiftFire’s build guides. Whether you are completely new to Fizz or looking to refine your playstyle, we will help you take your Wild Rift game to the next level. Learn Fizz’s abilities in detail, the best items to build, which skills to level first, and more. Fizz is ranked Tier A (Mid Lane) in our Champion Tier List


Fizz Mid Lane JungleThe Tidal Trickster

Recommended Role Mid Lane

Mid Build A Jungle Build A

Fizz’s Item Build

Amplifying Tome

Lich Bane

Rabadon's Deathcap

Infinity Orb

Boot of Mana


Lich Bane

Rabadon's Deathcap

Infinity Orb

Void Staff

Awakened Soulstealer

Boot of Mana


Fizz’s Spells & Runes




Sudden Impact

Mark of the Weak

Eyeball Collector

Bone Plating

Fizz’s Situational Items

Fizz’s Skill Order

Seastone Trident

Seastone Trident (Passive)

Urchin Strike

Urchin Strike

Rending Wave

Rending Wave

Playful / Trickster

Playful / Trickster

Chum the Waters

Chum the Waters

Playful / Trickster

Rending Wave

Urchin Strike

Fizz’s Item Build

Amplifying Tome

Lich Bane

Rabadon's Deathcap

Infinity Orb

Boot of Mana


Lich Bane

Rabadon's Deathcap

Infinity Orb

Void Staff

Awakened Soulstealer

Boot of Mana


Fizz’s Spells & Runes




Sudden Impact

Mark of the Weak

Zombie Ward

Coup de Grace

Fizz’s Situational Items

Fizz’s Skill Order

Seastone Trident

Seastone Trident (Passive)

Urchin Strike

Urchin Strike

Rending Wave

Rending Wave

Playful / Trickster

Playful / Trickster

Chum the Waters

Chum the Waters

Playful / Trickster

Rending Wave

Urchin Strike

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How to play Fizz

Fizz is a mid-lane assassin. He’s a very slippery fish with a lot of mobility to dodge, dip and dive in and out of team fights, making him one of the most annoying champions to play against. On top of that, Fizz’s ultimate, Chum the Waters, is a long-range Shark, and being hit by this ability marks the health of any squishy target.

Fizz can also be played in the jungle; check the alternative build at the top of the page! With Fizz jungle the build is pretty much the same but the runes are very different.

Fizz’s Abilities

Seastone Trident (Passive)

Fizz’s attacks deal additional magic damage over a few seconds. This will significantly help you when trying to last-hit minions in the laning phase. Seastone Trident also deals more damage to monsters in the jungle. So if you are looking for a jungler with a lot of mobility and one-shot potential when ganking, then Fizz is the right champion for you!

Urchin Strike (1)

Fizz dashes through target enemies, dealing magic and physical damage and applying on-hit effects. You can use Urchin Strike on minions to get closer to enemy champions or to escape difficult situations.

When using Urchin Strike, always be wary of how far you are from the target. If you use Urchin Strike at max range, you will always end up in melee range of the target; however, if you use Urchin Strike when very close to the target, you will end up further away.

Rending Wave (2)

Empowers Fizz’s next auto attack to deal magic damage and applies Seastone Trident (Passive). Additional attacks within a few seconds after your first attack deals extra magic damage.

Killing a unit with the first attack reduces Rending Wave’s cooldown to 1 second. Rending Wave makes last-hitting minions a lot easier and helps you push waves so you can look to roam around the map.
Rending Wave is also an auto-attack reset and is one of the core parts of Fizz’s combo. Before using Rending Wave, make sure you auto-attack once, so you deal more damage in a short space of time.

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Playful Trickster (3)

Fizz vaults to a target location, becoming untargetable while balanced on the trident. After just over a second, Fizz hops down with a large splash that deals magic damage and slows enemies hit for a few seconds.

You can re-cast Playful Trickster to hop down early and in a direction, you want to go, but you deal damage in a smaller splash that does not slow enemies.

Most of the time, you want to use Playful Trickster as a dodging/disengaging tool so you can become untargetable when skill shots are flying towards you. You can also use Flash with Playful Trickster to guarantee you deal damage to a target if they are too far away.

Chum The Waters (Ultimate)

Fizz launches a fish in target direction that attaches to the first champion hit. After a few seconds, a shark comes that knocks up its target and knocks away enemies around them. The farther the fish travels, the larger the shark will be, meaning it will deal more damage and slow enemies hit, which is increased depending on the shark’s size. Remember that even if you don’t hit a target with Chum The Waters, the shark will still pop up, dealing damage and knocking enemies away in that area.
When using Chum The Waters, it’s best to stay out of vision as this will give the enemy less time to try and react and dodge this ability since they won’t see the original cast from Fizz.

Fizz Build Breakdown

With Fizz, you want to build items that give a lot of ability power to help with the damage from his abilities. Lich Bane is a core item for Fizz; this item gives Fizz a lot of Ability Power and Ability Haste. Also, the Spellblade passive is excellent for Fizz since you will always be within melee range of the enemies, so you can auto-attack after using an ability. Fizz has the power to one-shot any squishy enemy champion; this will be even easier once you have Rabadon’s Deathcap and Void Staff completed, as it will give Fizz a lot of Ability Power and Magic Penetration so his abilities will be dealing more damage.

With runes, we have the following:

Electrocute gives Fizz a bit of extra damage when using his combos. This helps a lot, especially in the laning phase. The easiest way to proc Electrocute is to Urchin Strike towards the enemy champion at maximum range, Auto-Attack, and then use Rending Wave to Auto Attack reset.

With Fizz, he has two dashing abilities, Urchin Strike and Playful Trickster. He will always jump into the enemy’s back line with these dashing abilities. He gains Magic Penetration to deal more damage when he uses these dashing abilities.

Mark of the Weak gives Fizz even more damage when using his combo, making it easier to one-shot high-value targets.

Eyeball Collector is great since it gives Fizz more Ability Power every time he gets a takedown. Zombie Ward can also be a good choice if you often roam and look to kill wards.

With Fizz, he will be dashing into the backline a lot, trying to kill the enemy backline, which means he will be vulnerable to taking a lot of damage. Bone plating will help Fizz take reduced damage from the first three instances of damage which will help him survive longer.

For summoner spells, Flash is a must on most champions. It’s a great spell to get out of a situation or if you are trying to go in for that killing blow. With Fizz, you can also combo Flash with Playful Trickster to guarantee you deal damage to a target if they are too far away. For the 2nd spell, Ignite is fantastic for Fizz; when looking to one-shot squishy targets, Ignite will help you deal that extra bit of damage over time.

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Early Game

As a melee champion, Fizz can struggle a lot in the early game. Most of the time, you want to stay back and wait for the enemy champion to push the minion wave under your tower so you can farm without being in danger. However, you can walk up to minions early on and use Playful / Trickster to jump away once you have last hit the minion but be careful, as Playful / Trickster has a long cooldown in the early game. When you find an opening, look to use Urchin Strike on the enemy champion and use the auto attack reset of Rending Wave to easily proc electrocute and then use Playful Trickster to jump away to safety.

Late Game

When you reach the mid and late game and get his core items, this is where Fizz can look to roam around the map and one-shot squishy targets. You have a lot of mobility with your Urchin Strike, and you can dodge abilities with Playful / Trickster. The best thing you can do is try to isolate one enemy champion and look to kill it before a team fight starts. Try to hide in a bush and wait for the enemy carries to walk near you. This is when you can use your Ultimate and try to one-shot them. When you are grouped with your team and about to have a team fight, the best thing you want to do is get to their backline, where you can kill the enemy carries.


Overall, Fizz is a very fun champion to play with his high mobility and outplay potential the sky is the limit when you are playing Fizz! Just be careful when using Fizz’s abilities, as sometimes you can get too overconfident and die very quickly.

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Good luck on the rift summoners!


Fizz Wild Rift Build & Guide

Fizz Wild Rift

Best Fizz Wild Rift build guide for Season 10 Patch 4.3 of WR. With our Fizz guide you will learn which items to build, runes to select, skill order, who counters Fizz, and how to use abilities properly.

Fizz, The Tidal Trickster, is an amphibious Yordle who loves to confound his allies and enemies alike. He seems to have control over the beast of the deep, who he baits to consume fools who try to cross him. He is a very mobile mid lane assassin who excels in moving across the battlefield safely and bursting down his enemies.

Fizz Wild Rift Build Recommendation

Here are Item Build Recommendations that works on this champion and which are the best build for Fizz Wild Rift in this patch.

Assassin Trickster

This is the standard Fizz Wild Rift build aimed for him to be able to oneshot opponents.

  • Lich Bane enhances Fizz’s basic attack using the Spellblade passive for more burst damage.
  • Boots of Mana provide Fizz more firepower in terms of Ability Power, Magic Penetration, with a moderate amount of Mana Restoration.
  • Ionian Boots of Lucidity grants ability haste which reduces ability cooldowns and it reduces the cooldown of your summoner spells as well which will allow you to use Ignite and Flash more often. Immediately upgrade with the Stasis Enchant to acquire the Stasis active which you can activate to grant you invulnerability for a few seconds so you can buy time when your 3rd, Playful/Trickster is on cooldown.
  • Rabadon’s Deathcap is rushed next to increase your burst damage. With this item, you can kill almost all your enemies with your combo.
  • Infinity Orb is a relatively cheap item that causes your damage to champions below a certain health percentage to deal bonus critical damage. This item will help you snowball faster.
  • Void Staff is used to penetrate those with high magic resist builds.
  • Morellonomicon adds additional magic penetration as well as applying the Grevious Wound effect to counter enemy champions with high amounts of sustain.
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DPS Trickster

This Fizz Wild Rift build is to increase his DPS when faced with a tanky lineup where 3 or more of the enemy champions are impossible to kill with one combo. This build also allows Fizz to take down towers fast. This is the more viable build when playing as a jungler as well.

  • Nashor’s Tooth is a strong mage DPS item which increases your attack speed and imbues each of your attack with magic damage.
  • Liandry’s Torment makes damaging abilities and empowered attacks deal HP based damage which is perfect for shredding down tanks.


[2.6a] Fizz Guide — Another AP Jungler? Dies From Banger.


We got another AP jungler, but this is not what you think of, you maybe think it’s new champ, but it’s not. It’s fucking Fizz, the Trickster. Don’t worry, this one is a banger certified as one of most fun champion in the jungle, the one shot potential and the outplay.

Share Guide


  • One shot potential in every stage of games.
  • Slippery champion, really hard to catch.
  • Very fast clearing jungle, same time as Evelynn.
  • Alternative to AP jungler.


  • Very hard to play. Very punishing if blue get stealed by the enemy team ea
  • Long cooldown early game.
  • Mana hungry.
  • Getting banned by your teammate.

Fizz Build

Best Build Guide for Fizz

Amplifying Tome

Rabadon's Deathcap

Ionian Boots of Lucidity

Infinity Orb

Lich Bane

Void Staff


Hextech Gunblade

Guardian Angel

Crystalline Reflector

Stasis Enchant

Teleport Enchant

Item Build Description

Additional information on the items

We start with our classic AP jungler item. and then we going to use our new and shiny Lich BaneLich Bane as FizzFizz gladly use it with Rending WaveRending Wave and the movement speed bonus is well appreciated here. okay, you maybe notice the [Liyandry’s Torment] right? yep we’re gonna use it as [Fizz:passive] deal damage over time, and the health bonus too. and of course, the uranium of every AP champion, [rabbadon’s deathcap]

now you see i’m no longer giving you full item example but i’m gonna give you situational items to complete 2 item slots.

Void StaffVoid Staff More AP and AP pierce. usually you gonna round up your itemization with this and combine it with 3 below.
Guardian AngelGuardian Angel You just want to live another day and armor is nice against AD champions.
Hextech GunbladeHextech Gunblade a.k.a Kitchen Gun You want some sweet sweet life steal and looking for more cc such as Kitchen Gun will give you damage and slow when you land an ability.
MorellonomiconMorellonomicon You want some healing reduction and more health. what else?
[Statis Enchant] Defensive, usually you want this, and more likely to outwit your opponent with FizzFizz ‘s [Fizz:3] and [Flash]
Teleport EnchantTeleport Enchant Your fucking title is The Trickster, so why not, MAKE SOME CHAOS WHEN TEAM FIGHT then?
Protobelt EnchantProtobelt Enchant Fizz can use this one too, dashing his target.


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