Философский факультет нови сад

Учеба в городе Нови-Сад

Население города составляет 215 400 человек. Город Нови-Сад занимает 2 место в Сербия по количеству университетов, доступных на Free-Apply.com. В городе Нови-Сад каталог насчитывает 6 университетов и 156 программ для обучения.

Причины учиться в стране Сербия

№33 в мировом образовательном рейтинге

№55 в мировом рейтинге по легкости ведения бизнеса

№95 в мировом рейтинге экономики

№35 в мировом рейтинге безопасности

Сербия, Нови-Сад – Система высшего образования

Система высшего образования города Нови-Сад включает 6 университетов, которые предлагают 156 программ для обучения. Из них 6 университетов и 71 программа уровня Бакалавр, 3 университета и 44 программы уровня Магистр и 2 университета и 41 программа уровня Доктор философии.

Нови-Сад – Что изучать?

Самые популярные дисциплине в городе Нови-Сад.

Дисциплина Университеты Стоимость обучения Действие
Управление 3 ~ 470 510 ₽ Поиск
Инженерия 3 ~ 467 332 ₽ Поиск
Экологические исследования 3 ~ 463 565 ₽ Поиск
Финансы и банковское дело 3 ~ 470 510 ₽ Поиск
Закон и юриспруденция 3 ~ 461 174 ₽ Поиск
Информатика 3 ~ 470 051 ₽ Поиск
Образование и педагогика 3 ~ 459 675 ₽ Поиск
Прикладные науки и профессии 2 ~ 467 463 ₽ Поиск
Администрация 2 ~ 471 541 ₽ Поиск
Дизайн 2 ~ 466 775 ₽ Поиск
Спорт 2 ~ 461 813 ₽ Поиск
Лекарственное средство 2 ~ 467 463 ₽ Поиск
Информационные технологии 2 ~ 466 775 ₽ Поиск
Психология 2 ~ 461 813 ₽ Поиск
Физическая культура 2 ~ 461 813 ₽ Поиск
Здоровье 2 ~ 467 463 ₽ Поиск
Туризм 2 ~ 466 874 ₽ Поиск
Экономика 2 ~ 467 463 ₽ Поиск
Бизнес 2 ~ 471 541 ₽ Поиск
Бухгалтерский учет 2 ~ 471 541 ₽ Поиск
Сельское хозяйство 1 ~ 466 481 ₽ Поиск
Математика 1 ~ 466 481 ₽ Поиск
Природные науки 1 ~ 466 481 ₽ Поиск
Физика 1 ~ 466 481 ₽ Поиск
Политическая наука 1 ~ 448 596 ₽ Поиск

Крупнейшие города в стране Сербия

Статистика высшего образования для крупнейших городов в стране Сербия.

Город Университеты Стоимость обучения Действие
Белград 18 ~ 469 518 ₽ Поиск
Нови-Сад 6 ~ 465 922 ₽ Поиск
Sremska Mitrovica 3 ~ 491 876 ₽ Поиск
Ниш 2 ~ 534 046 ₽ Поиск
Нови-Пазар 2 ~ 465 444 ₽ Поиск
Заечар 1 ~ 501 169 ₽ Поиск
Суботица 1 ~ 476 602 ₽ Поиск
Кралево 1 ~ 496 256 ₽ Поиск
Ужице 1 ~ 510 996 ₽ Поиск
Лесковац 1 ~ 501 169 ₽ Поиск
Крагуевац 1 ~ 466 775 ₽ Поиск
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Философский факультет нови сад



The 57th International Congress of Americanists ICA was held in Brazilian city Foz do Iguaçu from 17th to 21st July 2023. On 20th July the Permanent Board and the Assembly of this prestige scientific Congress unanimously brought the decision that the h.

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International Conference Contexts — call for applications

We are pleased to inform you that the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad, is organising the Seventh International Interdisciplinary Conference for Young Scholars in Social Sciences and Humanities Contexts, which is to be held on 1 December 2.

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Calls for Admission for BA, MA and PhD studies in 2023/24

A Call for Admission of students to the first year of the Bachelor’s Academic Studies in the academic year of 2023/2024 A Call for Admission of students to Master’s Academic Studies in the academic year of 2023/2024 Call for Applications 2023-2024 fo.


Master of Philosophy

При подаче заявки на поступление в University of Novi Sad в страну Сербия следует подготовить все необходимые документы. Запросите список вступительных документов у университета, так как для разных стран он может отличаться. Используя наш чат, вы также можете запросить образцы документов у представителей университета.

  • Student visa
  • Health and Life Insurance
  • Passport
  • Online Application form
  • IELTS Certificate
  • Proof of fee payment
  • Research proposal outline (MA, PhD)
  • Photographs
  • Declaration for financial support
  • TOEFL Certificate
  • Letters of reccomendation (MA, PhD)
  • Resume/CV (graduate, postgraduate)
  • Family Details
  • Supervisor Agreement Form (PhD)
  • Motivation Letter
  • Application fee


University of Novi Sad
Dr Zorana Djindjica 1
Нови-Сад 21101

Стоимость обучения

~ 466 481 ₽ / год

~ 466 481 ₽ / год

Наши услуги предоставляются бесплатно. Free Apply никоим образом не владеет и не управляет страницей этого университета.

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University is an institution which is rightly considered one of the greatest contributions of the peoples of Europe to the world’s cultural heritage. The University of Belgrade is.

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Master of Philosophy

University is an institution which is rightly considered one of the greatest contributions of the peoples of Europe to the world’s cultural heritage. The University of Belgrade is.

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Подробнее о Master of Philosophy

Узнайте больше о своих будущих должностных обязанностях и перспективах карьерного роста после завершения программы Master of Philosophy.


Faculty of Philosophy

The Faculty of Philosophy was founded in 1993 in Pale. Teaching process is organized on the first, second, and third study cycles. The Faculty of Philosophy offers its students the possibility of studying various study programs in the field of philosophy, philology, political, and natural and mathematical sciences. Teaching is carried out in modern equipped space. The Faculty boasts about professionally educated and competent scientific teaching staff consisting of, in addition to own staff, eminent visiting professors. The Faculty of Philosophy is distinguished by a number of cultural events such as poetry and literary evenings, book promotions, magazines, films, lectures of eminent scholars and cultural workers from the country and abroad.

The Faculty of Philosophy has developed international cooperation with related faculties at universities in many countries, among others, France, Hungary, China, Slovenia, Russia.

The Faculty annually organizes two highly ranked scientific events – a national conference with international participation “Science and Reality” and national conference “Students’ Conference”.

The Faculty of Philosophy publishes “Proceedings of the Symposium ‘Science and European integration’”, “Proceedings of the ‘Students’ Conference’ ” and the journal ” Papers “.

The student representative body at the Faculty of Philosophy is “Student organizations of the Faculty of Philosophy (SOFF)”.

Study programs

Graduates acquire titles depending on the cycle of study and study program they have completed:

  • Philosophy, 240 ECTS, 4 years – Graduated Professor of Philosophy
  • Sociology 240 ECTS, 4 years – two modules:
  1. Bachelor in Sociology
  2. Sociologist – social work
  • Journalism, 240 ECTS, 4 years – Bachelor in Journalism
  • Political Science and International Relations, 240 ECTS, 4 years – two modules:
  1. Bachelor in Political Sciences
  2. Bachelor in Political Sciences – International Relations
  • History, 240 ECTS, 4 years – Graduated Professor of History
  • Pedagogy, 240 ECTS, 4 years – Bachelor in Pedagogy
  • Psychology, 240 ECTS, 4 years – Bachelor in Psychology
  • Serbian Language and Literature, 240 ECTS, 4 years – Graduated Professor of Serbian Language and Literature
  • Russian and Serbian Language and Literature, 240 ECTS, 4 years – Graduated Professor of Russian and Serbian Language and Literature
  • English Language and Literature, 240 ECTS, 4 years – Graduated Professor of English Language and Literature
  • Chinese and English Language and Literature, 240 ECTS, 4 years – Graduated Professor of Chinese and English Languages and Literature
  • German Language and Literature, 240 ECTS, 4 years – Graduated Professor of German Language and Literature
  • General Literature and Theatrology – 240 ECTS, 4 years – Bachelor in Comparative Literature and Theatrology
  • Librarianship and Serbian Language and Literature, 240 ECTS, 4 years – Graduated Librarian and Professor of Serbian Language and Literature
  • Geography, 240 ECTS, 4 years – Bachelor in Geography
  • Mathematics and Computer Science, 240 ECTS, 4 years – Graduated professor of Mathematics and Computer Science
  • Mathematics and Physics, 240 ECTS, 4 years – Graduated Professor of Mathematics and Physics
  • Philosophy, 60 ECTS, 1 year – Master in Philosophy – 300 ECTS
  • Sociology, 60 ECTS, 1 year – Master in Sociology – 300 ECTS
  • Journalism, 60 ECTS, 1 year – two modules:
  1. Master in Journalism – 300 ECTS
  2. Master in Communicology – 300
  • History 60 ECTS, 1 year – Master in History – 300 ECTS
  • Class Teaching, 60 ECTS, 1 year – Master in Class Teaching – 300 ECTS
  • Pedagogy, 60 ECTS, 1 year – Master in Pedagogy – 300 ECTS
  • Psychology, 60 ECTS, 1 year – Master in Psychology – 300 ECTS
  • Serbian Language and Literature 60 ECTS, 1 year – Master in Serbian Language and Literature – 300 ECTS
  • Russian and Serbian Language and Literature, 60 ECTS, 1 year – Master in Russian Language and Literature – 300 ECTS
  • English Language and Literature, 60 ECTS, 1 year – Master in English Language and Literature -300 ECTS
  • Chinese and English Language and Literature, 60 ECTS, 1 year – Master in Chinese Language and Literature – 300 ECTS
  • General Literature and Library Science, 60 ECTS, one year – two modules:
  1. Master in Library Science – 300 ECTS
  2. Master in Comparative Literature – 300 ECTS
  • Geography, 60 ECTS, 1 year – Master in Geography – 300 ECTS
  • Mathematics and Computer Science, 60 ECTS, one year – two modules:
  1. Master in Mathematics – 300 ECTS
  2. Master in Informatics – 300 ECTS
  • Mathematics and Physics, 60 ECTS, 1 year – two modules:
  1. Master in Mathematics – 300 ECTS
  2. Master in Physics – 300 ECTS
  • Philology, 180 ECTS, 3 years:
  1. PhD in Philology – Serbistics – Linguistics
  2. PhD in Philology – Serbistics – Literature
  3. PhD in Philology – Russian Studies – Linguistics
  4. PhD in Philology – Russian Studies – Literature
  5. PhD in Philology – Germanistics – Linguistics
  6. PhD in Philology – Germanistics – Literature
  7. PhD in Philology – Anglistics – Linguistics
  8. PhD in Philology – Anglistic – Literature
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Faculty of Philosophy
Alekse Santica 1
71 420 Pale
Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina


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