Clever school нови сад

International School
for 5 to 19 year olds

We offer students aged 5 to 19 primary, lower secondary, upper secondary and advanced levels. Each stage is based on the Cambridge Curriculum and can be offered separately, online or onsite.

«Every student has the right to succeed. We lay the foundations for their productive study, their adherence to upstanding principles, and their understanding of how to advance towards a prosperous and happy future.»

Flexible Learning Formats

Online learning

We offer fully accredited upper secondary (IGCSE) and pre-university (A Level) education for 14 to 19 year olds online worldwide. Our students can choose Clever Online School as their full-time study or as a supplement to local schools helping them enter the world’s top universities.

Our Campuses

Our onsite students aged 5 to 19 attend Clever International School in Novi Sad, Serbia. We offer primary, lower secondary, upper secondary, and advanced levels across our three buildings. Lessons are taught in English and Serbian, following the Cambridge or mixed curriculum. Additionally, we provide an extended day group for students requiring extra support and activities.

Why Clever International School

We offer the shortest path to a successful career in a highly competitive global labour market.

The Cambridge international curriculum sets a global standard for education and is recognised by universities and employers worldwide.

Our courses are in English. They provide not only in-depth subject knowledge but also additional extensive English skills practice.

Clever International School offers high-quality education worldwide. Also, we are always pleased to welcome students to our traditional school in Serbia, Novi Sad.

Our students have the option of attending Clever International School full-time or using it to enhance their studies at their local schools.

We offer guidance and support as our students make their choices regarding career paths and develop university entrance strategies.

Our mission is to make high-quality education affordable. Our prices are among the most competitive in the region. Our students can pay on a monthly basis.

International qualifications are accepted and valued by leading universities and employers worldwide.

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It is simple to search the Cambridge recognition database for organisations which have provided us with formal written acceptance of Cambridge qualifications.

The students go on to universities and careers throughout the world and our specialist advisors work with individuals to create their personal pathways. We support the students through information, advice and guidance to enable them to make informed choices about their onward educational journey.

Sandra is an excellent math teacher. She is well-qualified, supportive of students, and very kind and friendly. She always tries to explain math topics in a way that would be understandable for students and constantly ensures that everyone is following her. Students can always reach out and get detailed explanations when someone doesn’t understand a specific subject. She appreciates a person’s critical thinking and willingness to work hard.

Biljana is a very organized and prepared teacher. She asks us questions and makes sure we are engaged. We also have a chance to present what we have learned, through presentations in front of the class. I am always very engaged, and independent work is done through activities posted in one note, which (our answers) we always discuss together.

Sandra is an excellent math teacher. She is well-qualified, supportive of students, and very kind and friendly. She always tries to explain math topics in a way that would be understandable for students and constantly ensures that everyone is following her. Students can always reach out and get detailed explanations when someone doesn’t understand a specific subject. She appreciates a person’s critical thinking and willingness to work hard.


Clever school нови сад

All main subjects, including Maths, Science, and Humanities are taught in English in Cambridge programmes. A second foreign (German or another) language is also included starting from the Secondary stage.

Serbian or Russian as first languages and literature can be optionally chosen also at the Primary stage only free of charge.

Our mixed curriculum combines Cambridge and Serbian programmes and offers instruction in English and Serbian for all main subjects, including Maths, Science, and Humanities. English and Serbian languages are included by default. A third foreign (German, Russian or another) language is also included starting from the Secondary stage.

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Russian as a first language and literature can be optionally chosen also at the Primary stage only free of charge.

The curriculum combines Serbian and Russian programmes and offers instruction in Russian and Serbian for all main subjects, including Maths, Science. Russian and Serbian are included by default.

English as a second or a third language can be optionally chosen also at this curriculum for the Primary stage free of charge.

*For the Primary stage only

Why an international curriculum?*

This is the path to a successful career in the international labour market.

It allows students to tailor their studies by choosing subjects that best suit their interests.

* An international curriculum is mixed with the Serbian National curriculum to whom it is needed.

School Curriculum

  • Primary (pre-school) — 5 to 6 year olds
  • Primary — 6 to 11 year olds
  • Lower Secondary — 11 to 14 year olds
  • Upper Secondary — 14 to 16 year olds
  • Advanced / Pre-University — 16 to 19 year olds

English, Maths, and Science are considered core subjects in Primary education. Other subjects of the National Curriculum include Art, Music, and Physical Education. All subjects are taught through a thematic and creative approach, using many different teaching strategies with the children working individually, co-operatively in small or large groups, and at times as a whole class. At this stage pupils are encouraged to learn, practice, combine, develop and refine a wide range of skills in their work. Six key skills enable pupils to improve their learning and performance in education, work and life: communication, application of numbers, information technology, working with others, improving own learning and performance, problem solving.

In these three years, students have specialized teachers in each subject area and a class teacher who provides tutorial support and guidance, and who is responsible for monitoring their overall progress and well-being. The emphasis of the curriculum is to ensure that pupils experience a wide and challenging range of subjects as well as gain proficiency and skills in English and at least two other languages. The school’s compulsory curriculum subjects are English Language and Literature, Science, German, Music, Physical Education, Geography, Maths, Computing, Native Language, Art & Design, History, and Global perspectives.

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Students begin the last stage of compulsory education (Years 10 and 11) and, during which time they prepare for the International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE). The subjects are now studied in more depth. Some of them are obligatory, and it is required to make a decision on which optional subjects to take. To join year 12, the school requires students to acquire 5 or more A*–C grades, or 9–4 (depending on their subject preferences). Students must choose from the following subjects: English Language and English Literature, German and/or Native language, Mathematics, Geography and/or History, Physics and/or Biology and/or Chemistry, Business Studies, Computer Science, Art and Design.

The Curriculum is a highly personalised programme that allows students to tailor their studies by choosing subjects that best suit their interests. Advanced Level (A levels) is a subject-based qualification from the United Kingdom. It is the standard entry qualification for undergraduate programmes by universities worldwide. Studies are now specialised and in much more depth than at (I)GCSE. Entrance to university depends upon attaining good grades at A level together with results already achieved at (I)GCSE. Passing grades are awarded from A* to E. For university entrance, good results in 3 subjects are required. The curriculum subjects are Business, Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics and/or Biology and/or Chemistry, English Literature or English language, Geography and/or History, Art and Design.

International certificates and qualifications

Students at Cambridge Upper Secondary and Advanced stages need to attend a registered Cambridge International venue to sit their exams. Our school helps to find it, also in Belgrade, Serbia.

International General Certificate of Secondary Education. External examinations are taken at the end of Year 11 (16 years). The school requires students to gain 5 or more A*-C grades or 9-4 grades (depending on subject choice) to enter Year 12.

At this stage, students are required to study A Levels. Pass grades are awarded from A* to E. For University entrance, good results in three subjects are required. Entrance to university depends upon attaining good grades at A level together with results already achieved at (I)GCSE.


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