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Blox Fruits Wiki


Article Combos


‎‏‏‎Physical ‎‏‏‎Fruit





Dragon is a Mythical Beast-type Blox Fruit, which costs 3,500,000 or 2,600 from the Blox Fruit Dealer.

This is the fruit that has the biggest transformed model in game, being bigger than Buddha (V2), Phoenix and Venom (meaning that the hitbox of the player is significantly bigger too).

This Blox Fruit allows its user to enhance its attacks in transformed mode, similar to Phoenix v2, although its attacks are available to the player, even when not transformed, unlike Buddha and Falcon.



  • Green, Blue, and Red are unlocked by default.
  • Orange is unlocked at 100 mastery.
  • Purple is unlocked at 200 mastery.
  • Brown is unlocked at 300 mastery.
  • Yellow is unlocked at 400 mastery.
  • White is unlocked at 500 mastery.
  • Black is unlocked at 600 mastery.

Images of the different colored Dragon forms can be found here.

The user jumps up into the air and begins shooting fireballs towards the ground. Upon impact, the projectiles explode, damaging anyone caught in the motion, knocking them back and stun them for a brief moment. This ability can be held down, allowing the user to shoot more fireballs.

Consumes 15% of Fury upon transformation

Consumes approximately 7.5% of Fury

A ball of raging flames forms within the user’s mouth, and is then unleashed. Upon hitting anything, this ball explodes and burns anything it comes unto contact with. Consumes 15% of Fury

The user reverts back to human.

This move does absolutely nothing in transformed form.


Good combo potential. (C move is extremely good for slowing down enemies)
In Transformation, the C move has one of the biggest hitboxes in the game, similar to Awakened Buddha V.
Gains 62.5% Damage resistance against attacks in Dragon form stacks with Aura.
Good in PvP.
Holding C can make the move last longer.
Not hard to aim, especially in dragon form, due to the fact of its enormous hitbox.
Good mobility.
Good damage.
X move has burn damage, which is useful in PvP.
High knockback (Z being able to knock enemies away, X being able to lock target)
Dragon is useful in ground PvP.
Decent for grinding in the Third Sea.
Dragon is excellent for trading, as it is relatively rare and demanded for its PVP potential.
[C] Fire Shower, while transformed, cannot be stopped even if the user is damaged.
2nd most expensive fruit in game (Which also means its rarity is high)
Not recommended for low level users. (Especially in 1st sea in which the fruit will be almost useless until the player unlocks Dragonic Claw, even if you get it it’s not really good for grinding unless it’s decent for grinding in Third Sea, mentioned in Pros)
High mastery required.
While in Transformation, you become a bigger target, just like Buddha transformation.
Not recommended in Ranged PvP.
Takes over a minute to fully regain Fury Meter. (Can be sped up by using skills)
X move (untransformed) is hard to hit.
X move is single target. (untransformed)
C move in transformed during its charge up and its recovery after use is punishable.
C requires certain aiming skills. Best to use this as a ground attack. Not recommended for sky pvp.
C in transformed form only fires below you, and cannot be controlled by the cursor.
Cursed Dual Katana X ignores the damage reduction of transform dragon.
Bad for grinding, Skills have some knockbacks. Only 2 multiple targets moves but have low cool down. X move is great for boss grind because it does good stun and damage though. (untransformed)
Читайте также:  Вечеринка_в_стиле_фрукты

The following numbers were tested on Training Dummy. These were performed using 2400 points on Fruit, 600 mastery on Dragon and no accessories equipped. All damage numbers that presented variation on different trials were averaged.

  • Z (Heatwave Beam)
    • 3383 damage, landing the beam directly adds 9 damage which is negligible (total 3392 damage).
    • Transformation (V)does not increase damage.
    • 4914 damage total, 9 damage is done as you grab an enemy. Note: This ability does not do extra damage if you collide with a wall.
    • Transformation(V) — 4228 damage total, 3477 initial damage and 751 damage is dealt afterwards as a burn effect over a short time.
    • 5000 damage on average when landing all projectiles, this can vary depending on missed projectiles.
    • Transformation (V) — 6000 damage total, this ability can also apply small burn effects with 9 — 17 damage multiple times as its held. Please note that this ability fires randomly so it’s damage can be unreliable.


    • This fruit is one of the three Beast type fruits that do not have an awakening.
    • This is the second most expensive fruit in the game, with the first being Leopard.
    • This fruit has the highest damage reduction perk in the game while transformed.
    • Fire Shower is similar to Light’s X move.
    • Fire Shower hitbox got nerfed in Update 17 part 3.
    • This is the first Beast-type Blox Fruit that is Mythical tier. It is also the fourth Beast type fruit (first three being Buddha, Falcon and Phoenix with the fifth being Leopard).
    • This fruit is one among many others that have an animation on the physical form, the others being Rubber, Spider, Phoenix, Portal, Gravity, Dough, Venom, Control, Spirit and Leopard.
    • In addition to the above colours, there is a pink color in game that only admin or rip_indra can use.


    Blox Fruits: Dragon Value | What People Trade For Dragon

    Knowing the price and value of your item in a video game, specially in an MMORPG where there’s trading is important. You don’t want to get suckered in by a bad trade, you need to know what your items are really worth! There’s a lot of games out there that focus a lot of trading and there’s even more in Roblox!

    In Blox Fruits you can have a lot of different fruits, and players trade them often for better fruits or for fruits that are equal to the value. Of course, you can see the price of the fruit on the image of it but usually it’s not that accurate. In this guide we’ll show you what you should sell your Dragon Fruit for in the game!

    What People Trade For Dragon | Blox Fruits: Dragon Value

    So you want to see what a Dragon Fruit can get you, well with the recent promised reworks on the game the value of the Dragon fruit is increasing. Because of that you should know what the real value of the fruit is.

    You might think that trading it for a Venom or a Blizzard and Buddha Fruit is a great idea but it’s really not. A Buddha fruit right now has a lot demand but is it really worth it for a Dragon Fruit?

    Shown above is what you should aim for, not only does a Dough Fruit because that fruit can easily get another Dragon along with another fruit to sweeten the deal. So if you see someone that has a Dough Fruit and wants a Dragon Fruit go for it!

    Congratulations you now know what to trade your Dragon Fruit for in Blox Fruits, now go out there and try to get that great deal! You should never settle for less unless you really need it!


    Blox Fruits Wiki

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    Blox Fruits Wiki

    Dragon Breath

    Dragon Breath

    Fragment Cost

    Move 1

    Move 2

    Move 3

    Dragon Breath (previously known as the Dragon Claw) is a fighting style in Blox Fruits that can be bought from the Sabi NPC at the cost of 1,500 .

    Sabi is located in the Second Sea in a bridge at Kingdom of Rose and at Castle on the Sea in Third Sea.


    Moveset [ ]

    Does around 2.5x more damage than a M1 attack.

    Moveset Max Damage [ ]

    Pros [ ]

    • It’s easy to catch people with the Z move, stunning them briefly.
    • The Z move can also apply bonus damage if the first «dash» hits.
    • It has very good damage and range, and some of its hitboxes are great.
    • The C move has a big hitbox, which makes it quite good for grinding.
    • All moves aren’t single-target, meaning you can hit multiple enemies with them.
    • Very cheap in price. One Raid Boss kill will suffice.
    • The X move is good for knocking back enemies in PvP when running.
    • The X move is good for starting combos.

    Cons [ ]

    • The Z and C moves are quite slow, making them easily escape-able with Flash Step.
    • Generally, this style is slow and close-ranged, giving it a disadvantage against ranged weapons.
      • For the same reasons, it is also easy to counter.

      Trivia [ ]

      • You will get the title«Dragonborn» if you buy this.
      • When switching back to Dragon Breath, there is no need to pay fragments again.
      • You can upgrade this fighting style to Dragon Talon in the ThirdSea.
      • Sometimes, Dragon Flames can hit enemies three times if they are near the dragons once they stop spiraling. (Dragon Flames usually hits 2 times, not 3).
      • The dragon rush audio can be heard from anywhere (sometimes other people can heard this audio, not only you), no matter where the camera is located.
      • If using a autoclicker to m1, you can actually fly because dragon has a dash move if the autoclicker is clicking fast enough, like Electric Claw and Dragon Talon.


      Blox Fruits: что такое драконий фрукт


      Хотите превратиться в летающего и огнедышащего дракона в Blox Fruits? Узнайте, как это сделать.

      Fruits или Devil Fruits— внутриигровые реликвии или предметы, которые предлагают различные способности и бонусы игрокам в пиратской MMORPG Blox Fruits. В Blox Fruits есть множество различных фруктов, которые при употреблении позволяют игрокам доминировать и либо наносить большой урон, либо активировать другие бонусы, дающие вам преимущество. Одним из таких фруктов является Плод дракона, который позволяет игрокам летать с драконоподобными крыльями и даже превращаться в дракона в качестве высшей способности. Драконий фрукт — это фрукт типа зоан, который занимает одно из первых мест в нашем уровневом списке для фруктов Blox. Итак, в этом руководстве мы обсудим все о драконьем фрукте и о том, как его получить в Roblox Blox Fruits.

      Что такое драконий фрукт в Blox Fruits

      Драконий фрукт — это плод звериного типа в Blox Fruits, который наделяет пользователей непреодолимыми способностями дракона. Фрукт звероподобного типа в Blox Fruits относится к фрукту, который позволяет пользователям превращаться в соответствующее животное или зверя и наделять их соответствующими способностями. Физическая форма драконьего фрукта также имеет эффект свечения эффект помимо исходящего от него пламени. пять наборов приемов, предлагаемых Dragon Fruit:

      • Луч тепловой волны: позволяет игроку стрелять огненным лучом, уничтожающим врагов. Вы можете разблокировать это на Уровне мастерства 1.
      • Полет дракона: эту способность можно использовать для полета между разными островами с набором драконьих крыльев. . Вы можете разблокировать эту способность на 75-м уровне мастерства.
      • Коготь дракона: вы можете направить энергию огня в руку и совершить рывок, притягивая врагов к полу. Вы можете разблокировать это на 150-м уровне мастерства.
      • Огненный душ: игрок может левитировать в воздухе, стреляя во врага несколькими лучами огня. Вы можете разблокировать это на 250-м уровне мастерства.
      • Трансформация: после того, как вы пополнили свой счетчик ярости, вы можете используйте эту способность, чтобы превратиться в огромного дракона. Все остальные способности улучшеныеще больше в форме дракона. Вы даже получаете сопротивление урону на 62,5% от любых атак. Вы можете разблокировать его на 350-м уровне мастерства.

      Как получить драконий фрукт в Blox Fruits

      Единственный верный способ получить драконий фрукт в Roblox Blox Fruits — это купить его у NPC Blox Fruit Dealer. strong> за 3500000 долларов Бели или 2600 Робуксов. Вы даже можете получить фрукты от другого NPC по имени Кузен торговца фруктами Блокса, но в основном это случайный случай. Стандартный механизм появления Фруктов каждый час в игре также может порождать Теневые Фрукты, но, поскольку это редкий фрукт, шансы 0,7%.

      Это все, что вам нужно знать о драконьем фрукте в Blox Fruits. Если эта статья показалась вам полезной и вы хотите получить дополнительные материалы по теме, ознакомьтесь с этим руководством по плоду души в Blox Fruits


      Читайте также:  Белково_фруктовая_диета_14_дней
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